Every time some info is uploaded to a hosting account or downloaded from it, web site traffic is produced which is an attribute that each and every hosting plan comes with. It is furthermore among the attributes you need to check, because the amount of traffic allowance you will need depends on what you need the account for. The website traffic is mainly produced by downloads including website visits. Basically, when someone opens your site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on their computer system and they are subsequently displayed by their internet browser. It's also recommendable to be aware that uploads matter too, therefore every time you transfer large files from your computer system to the server, some website traffic will be generated too. Different suppliers sometimes have different names for this specific feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, still all of them apply to the very same thing - the total amount of incoming & outgoing info produced for a period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Hosting

All our hosting are appropriate for any type of small or medium-sized website and even a larger variety of websites. Considering that you can host a range of domain names from just a single account, we have designed the plans in a way so as to supply all of the features you may need. Whether you run an individual portfolio web site or an eCommerce site, our monthly website traffic quota that your website may use will not be an issue. Thus, you'll have the possibility to expand your web presence and obtain a lot of new site visitors without having to worry about getting to some limit. Our Hepsia hosting Control Panel will provide you with detailed data for the traffic usage to and from your account, which will enable you to take care of your sites as well as the account more efficiently. You'll be able to view monthly, daily and hourly results, the website traffic produced by each domain and by the account as a whole, the most downloaded files, etc.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

The monthly site traffic characteristic of our semi-dedicated servers is unrestricted, or as various companies advertise it, unmetered. In fact, we monitor the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each and every account, but we will never put any limit, so that your sites can grow and get more site visitors. We supply you with comprehensive info what is going on in the account so as to help you handle your web sites more effectively and to have an idea how they perform. You are able to observe the traffic generated by each website as well as the most frequently downloaded webpage or file. The stats are hourly, daily and monthly. In the constantly-developing online world, you'll be able to have a significant number of new website visitors with just a single advertising campaign, that's why by supplying a truly unlimited package, we'll guarantee that you do not lose potential customers for the reason that your account cannot handle the traffic.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

The dedicated servers that we provide come with large site traffic allowances that are sufficient for almost any website, even a video streaming portal or a preferred social network. Terabytes of website traffic will be available to you every month and the administration panel that is featured with each and every dedicated server will give you information how much data has been transferred already and what amount is left for the current month. To avoid service interruptions, we will let you know if you reach 90% of the allowance and you are able to either lower the website traffic generated by your sites by optimizing their content, or you'll be able to increase the quota for your account. It's very unlikely that you'll ever need such an update, but we decided to leave this alternative open. The statistics in that panel feature the overall traffic, compared to the statistics inside your hosting Control Panel where you can see only the traffic from websites, but not from server-side software downloads and / or updates.